
Letter To NY Senate Majority Leader

I wanted to share a letter I wrote to Joseph Bruno, The Senate Majority Leader for New York:

I first contacted your office over six months ago, after a medical marijuana bill was overwhelmingly passed by the New York State Assembly. I was excited because I have seen firsthand the relief that medicinal marijuana can provide patients. I have also seen and read a lot of information on research that proves this is a valid medication. As a disabled veteran this issue is of great importance to me. The risk of addiction and other dangerous side effects is too great for me to take prescription painkillers on a regular basis, and my doctor believes I could be a good candidate for the medical use of marijuana. In October, you graciously welcomed me to the Capital as a voter in your district to speak with your office about my desire to see the New York Senate pass this bill to give patients the ability to legally use the medication a lot of doctors are suggesting. I wanted to thank you for your continued support for this issue and hope to see it in front of the Senate this year with your support. I am also aware that some have been under the mistaken impression that states are not able to act on this important issue, because of federal law. Currently there are 12 states that have passed laws to allow doctors to do a risk analysis for their patients and recommend the medical use of marijuana. Studies have shown that some patients receive amazing results with the use of marijuana. The earliest of the modern medical marijuana laws passed 11 years ago, and the federal government has never suggested those states lack the power to remove their own criminal penalties for medical marijuana. The only judge to decide the issue, in San Diego, agreed that states are free to enact medical marijuana laws. Senator Bruno, I would once again like to thank you for welcoming me to speak with your staff on this issue and for your continued support. I look forward to New York becoming the 13th state to allow doctors to make this decision for their patients. Please see to it that it happens this year; seriously ill New Yorkers are suffering now.